Our Rights Respecting Schools Ambassadors (RRSA's) meet at least twice a month to discuss issues relating to children's rights in our school. As a council we discuss links between events in school and the UNCRC articles, ensure that children's rights are met across the school and discuss issues of children's rights in the local community. This year's RRSA badge was designed by Amara.
Meet our Rights Respecting Ambassadors for 2023-4:
We all have rights! Do you know yours?
Year 3 |
Year 4 |
Year 5 |
Year 6 |
What have we been working on?
Our projects this year:
- Leading a whole school assembly on the ABCDE of Rights and teaching the school actions to help them remember (September 2024)
- Fundraising for MacMillan Cancer Support (September 2024)
- Creating a video for the school website on the actions for the ABCDE of Rights (October 2024)
- Looking at children's rights around the world and how duty bearers help the rights of children in war zones to be met (November 2024)
Our previous projects include:
- Campaigning for Peace: Creating a paper chain of peace to decorate our school for the 2023 Picture News Christmas Campaign
- Leading assemblies for the whole school on The ABCDE of Rights
- OUTRIGHT! A Campaign for Climate Action.
- Creating a Rights Respecting Playground Charter
- Conducting Pupil Voice Surveys about Rights Respecting
- Engaging in activities related to our rights to become experts