Year 3
Year 3 have had a fantastic week celebrating Cultural Week.
Our focus was Pakistan, Afghanistan and the United Arab Emirates. The children have completed a range of different activities across their subjects. In art, the children were looking at the intricate designs of the Pakistani trucks. After they were creating Pakistani truck designs using traditional Pakistani art patterns. In geography, the children took a trip to Pakistan and learnt about some of the famous landmarks, they then wrote postcards home to family members telling them about all the wonderful things they had seen. We read a book called the “The Arabic Quilt” the book is about being proud of your culture and celebrating differences, also, the children all learnt to write in Arabic. Lastly, the children had the great opportunity to experience an Arabic drums workshop in which they listened to music, experienced the culture and learned how to play the drums!
Virtual Stone Age Day for Year 3
This week, the children stepped back in time and embarked on an adventure to the Stone Age! This exciting virtual experience invited children to explore the ancient world where early humans lived, worked, and created.
The day kicked off with a delightful introduction to one of the earliest crafts: weaving. Children learnt how ancient people made cloth and baskets from natural fibers like grasses and reeds
Next, the children learnt how to safely shape and carve intricate designs into the soap, mimicking how early humans carved tools from stone. Through this activity, the children got a hands-on sense of how people in the Stone Age used sharp objects to create their essential tools, weapons, and artwork.
Here you can see the children creating their own clay pots, just as Stone Age people did. They learning how to shape, smooth, and decorate their pots, learning about the importance of pottery for cooking, storing food, and everyday life. After they used the remaining clay to make clay tablets and carved into clay using Stone Age markings, mimicking the earliest forms of writing.
Finally, the children created their own "stone age" staters —using sheets of foil and simple tools. Just as early humans may have used shiny stones or metal objects as a form of trade or currency, the children pressed and shaped their foil into symbolic designs.
Year 3 have been learning all about the Stone Age this Autumn Term. We have been writing a character description based on the story ‘The Stone Age Boy’ and using amazing vocabulary to describe the main character ‘Om’ and what her appearance, personality, thoughts and feelings are throughout the story. We have strived to use adjectives, expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials, emotive language, prepositional phrases and similes. The children have created amazing pieces of work that showcase their growing ability to write and become avid, creative thinkers and writers!
Religious Education
In RE this term, the children have been learning about how Sikhs and Hindus celebrate Diwali. They have explored the similarities and difference between Diwali and their own festivals they celebrate in the year. Children have enjoyed sharing their own experience and participating in discussions to learn from others. They have also enjoyed learning about the origins of Diwali for Sikhs and Hindus, learning how they both celebrate light, however, for different reasons.
This term, Year 3 are making Stone Age tunics suitable for a small doll. They have enjoyed researching suitable materials and designing what their product will look like. They have begun sketching out and cutting out their tunic tops. Year 3 will dye these tunics using natural dyes – just like they would have done in the Stone Age! They are very excited to bring it home and show you their final products!
This term, the children have enjoyed reading the story ‘Secrets of a Sun King’ this links perfectly with our history topic of Ancient Egypt. The children have been stepping into character and writing diary entries from the perspective of one of the main characters Grandad. Please enjoy reading an example of this below.
Design Technology
In Design Technology this term, the children have been learning about pneumatics. Pneumatic is how air pressure powers and moves something. The children designed and created their own moving monsters using an air syringe. Here are some of their designs below.
During our topic of plants, the children learnt about what a plant needs in order to grow healthily. They carried out experiments to see what happened when they environments changed.
Image 1 – Was placed in a warm and bright environment
Image 2 – Was placed in a dark cupboard
Image 3 – Was placed in a cold fridge
Science Continued – Water Transportation Stream
To better understand how water is transported through a plant the children carried out an experiment. They added food colouring into the water and over time observed any changes.
Taha: At first, we could see that the stem was changing colour.
Reina: By the end of the week, the food colouring had moved all the way up the stem and had started to change the colour of the petals.
Acting out a Christian baptism service
3M make tourist commercials for visiting the Grand Canyon...
Shared Writing
This morning, year 3 completed a shared write in their English lesson. They are writing non-chronological reports about Capybaras.
Today, we had a visit from a local dentist. She shared with us lots of important information and fun facts about our teeth. We learnt about how to correctly brush our teeth and understood how a healthy diet can help to keep our teeth and gums healthy. It was interesting to find out how much sugar is in some of the foods we eat each day.
We hope that this visit will help the children make healthy choices in the future.
Did you know? - You do not have to pay for NHS dental services if you're: under 18, or under 19 and in full-time education.
Show & Tell
This week, children in year 3 brought to school their favourite books and talked about them in class. These books included fiction stories, non-fiction texts about different types of homes, instruction texts about how to find a garden fairy and even books created by the children themselves. This week Namir 3D decided to create his our comic for a friend in his class. We hope you enjoy it too.
Diwali Display
Remembrance Day
Year 3 Stone Age Books
Living in the Stone Age
Through the use of historical enquiry, the children have studied significant events during the Stone Age and compared their living conditions to how we live today. In English, we have written a Stone Age story based on a child getting shown around a Stone Age camp. The children also studied a non-fiction text on Skara Brae and created persuasive leaflets, encouraging tourists to visit.
In Maths we have be recapping our place value facts. One of our activities involved representing a three-digit number using a range of resources. Take a look below! I wonder if you could create some more at home and bring them in to show your teachers.
Representing three-digit numbers using a range of resources.
Brilliant Britain