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Progression of Skills

Year 3

Year 3 Unit 1

  • To maintain a steady pulse whilst singing or playing an instrument
  • To maintain an ostinato for a piece of music
  • To show our understanding of pulse by following simple performance directions
  • To suggest ways to improve our own work and others work using musical vocabulary
  • To be able to maintain a part in a piece and respond to cues
  • To be able to improve my work and others work using musical vocabulary
  • To complete a series of activities to re-cap what they have learnt in this unit

Year 3 Unit 2

  • To be able to sing accurately to a piece of music with an awareness of melody and pitch
  • To be able to perform following instructions: start, stop, tempo, dynamics
  • To perform confidently and have a clear understanding of pitch
  • To create your own graphic score
  • To create a graphic score to a familiar melody
  • To perform a Christmas song in groups and give feedback
  • To complete a series of activities to re-cap what they have learnt in this unit

Year 3 Unit 3

  • To understand rhythm and musical texture
  • To demonstrate a strong sense of rhythm and pulse
  • To identify rhythms in songs and use these as inspiration for their own music
  • To work as part of a group to compose a piece of music
  • To add body percussion and percussion instruments into our own pieces of music
  • To perform as a group
  • To complete a series of activities to re-cap what they have learnt in this unit

Year 3 Unit 4

  • To understand what the word pitch means and recognise high and low sounds
  • To explore high and low sounds by playing the melody to a song using a variety of both high and low sounds
  • To use graphic notation to demonstrate changes in pitch
  • To understand "motif" and demonstrate this using percussion instruments
  • To create rhythmic patterns with a variety of pitch
  • To perform compositions and offer feedback to other group
  • To demonstrate understanding of Pitch

Year 3 Unit 5

  • To understand musical form including the AB and ABC forms
  • To create a short piece of music using musical structure
  • To understand how to use music sequencing software
  • To use music sequencing software to create a piece of music in a given form
  • To edit our compositions on GarageBand
  • To assess a piece of music, giving comments and suggestions about the structure

Year 3 Unit 6

  • To understand the evolution of music throughout the 20th century
  • To recognise differences between genres
  • To appreciate an array of genres and identify them
  • To study the music of a 20th Century band
  • To learn a song by a 20th Century band
  • To perform a song by a 20th Century band

Year 4

Year 4 Unit 1

  • To be able to play in 4/4 and 3/4 using ostinato, drone and repeating patterns
  • To be able to perform and lead pieces in 4/4/ and 3/4 using drones, ostinato and repeating patterns
  • To maintain an independent part in a small group ensemble
  • To be able to perform a part in a group and offer improvements using technical terms
  • To be able to compose, perform and lead simple pieces in 4/4 and 3/4 using ostinato, drone, repeating patterns
  • To be able to offer comments for improvement about others work using musical terminology
  • To complete a series of activities to re-cap what they have learnt in this unit

Year 4 Unit 2

  • To learn to sing with awareness of breathing and pronunciation
  • To understand arpeggios and to create harmonies
  • To understand pentatonic scales and to learn to sing fluently with confidence
  • To sing together, record our work and assess it as a class
  • To create melodies using pentatonic scales
  • To perform as an ensemble
  • To complete a series of activities to re-cap what they have learnt in this unit

Year 4 Unit 3

  • To identify and discuss rhythm, texture, and dynamics
  • To demonstrate a strong sense of rhythm and pulse by creating and layering our own rhythms
  • To learn a pulse then a rhythm and put them both together to create a musical texture
  • To create ideas to compose a melody as a team, recording ideas using graphic notation
  • To add body percussion and percussion instruments into our own pieces of music
  • To perform as a group
  • To complete a series of activities to re-cap what they have learnt in this unit

Year 4 Unit 4

  • To understand what the word pitch means and recognise high and low sounds
  • To understand basic musical notes and how they have different pitches
  • To listen to and evaluate a song with a determined pitch and create their own composition of the same pitch
  • To listen to and evaluate a song with a determined pitch and create their own composition of the same pitch
  • To be able to sing in a variety of pitches with clear diction
  • To perform with clear diction with a range of pitches
  • To demonstrate understanding of Pitch

Year 4 Unit 5

  • To identify the musical structure of a song
  • To use voice, sounds, and instruments in creative ways.
  • To recognise, respond and use basic musical structure.
  • To record and edit our songs
  • To listen to popular music and recognise structure and form
  • To record and edit our pop songs

Year 4 Unit 6

  • To understand the evolution of music throughout the 20th century
  • To understand minimalism and listen and reflect on a piece of orchestral music
  • To compose a piece of minimalistic music
  • To create an ostinato
  • To play travelling ostinatos together as an orchestra
  • To perform minimalistic music as an orchestra

Year 5

Year 5 Unit 1

  • To be able to identify and play to the pulse of music
  • To create graphic notation to represent rhythms
  • To be able to independently maintain a part in a group performance
  • To read and play musical notation to create rhythms
  • To be able to help compose a group performance using either standard or graphic notation
  • To be able to perform a composed piece as part of a group
  • To complete a series of activities to re-cap what they have learnt in this unit

Year 5 Unit 2

  • To create sounds and interpret a graphical score using our voices
  • To work with others to maintain an independent singing part
  • To understand line and space notes on graphic scores
  • To follow a graphic notated score to sing an independent part
  • To create a group performance following sheet music
  • To create a group performance of Hallelujah
  • To complete a series of activities to re-cap what they have learnt in this unit

Year 5 Unit 3

  • To learn to identify a range of different notes
  • To play a rhythm and identify the timbre of sounds
  • To understand and play rhythms in different time signatures over different genres
  • To compose a melody as a team, recording ideas using graphic notation
  • To add body percussion and percussion instruments into our own pieces of music
  • To perform as a group: consolidating our knowledge on musical notes, timbre, texture and rhythm
  • To complete a series of activities to re-cap what they have learnt in this unit

Year 5 Unit 4

  • To explore sound and understand the meaning of pitch
  • To play a piece of music with a variety of pitches
  • To play a piece of music with a variety of pitches, playing two notes at a time
  • To learn what a harmony is and demonstrate harmonies in different pitches
  • To learn understand what a chord is and be able to play G and D chords
  • To confidently play chords C and G and amazing grace on either keyboard, piano or guitar
  • To demonstrate understanding of Pitch

Year 5 Unit 5

  • To identify the musical structure of a song.
  • To use voice, sounds, and instruments in creative ways.
  • To identify how structure can organise sounds and how it can be used to create a particular effect on the listener
  • To compose a piece of music using technology
  • To identify the musical structure of a song and use this to help compose a piece of music.
  • To compose a 12-bar blues song

Year 5 Unit 6

  • To understand the evolution of music throughout the 20th century
  • To understand minimalism and listen and reflect on a piece of orchestral music
  • To compose a piece of minimalistic music
  • To create an ostinato
  • To play travelling ostinatos together as an orchestra
  • To perform minimalistic music as an orchestra

Year 6

Year 6 Unit 1

  • To be able to maintain a strong pulse and recognise when going out of time
  • To be able to play rhythms while maintaining a pulse
  • To be able to sing / play regular (2/4 , ¾, 4/4) and irregular (7/4, 5/4)
  • To be able to maintain a strong sense of pulse and understand body percussion
  • To be able to maintain a strong pulse and recognise when going out of time
  • To be able to maintain a strong pulse and recognise when going out of time
  • To complete a series of activities to re-cap what they have learnt in this unit

Year 6 Unit 2

  • To understand the difference between monophonic and homophonic textures
  • To read graphic scores and perform them with confidence
  • To create their own graphic scores and perform them
  • To understand pitch and refine sound and pitch in their voice
  • To be able to maintain a part in an ensemble
  • To be able to offer self improvement and constructive feedback to peers
  • To complete a series of activities to re-cap what they have learnt in this unit

Year 6 Unit 3

  • To interpret and play a graphic score
  • To create a piece of Music with awareness of timbre and texture
  • To perform a piece of Music with awareness of timbre and texture
  • To create ideas to compose a melody as a team, recording ideas using graphic notation
  • To add body percussion and percussion instruments into our own pieces of music
  • To perform as a group: consolidating our knowledge on musical notes, timbre, texture and rhythm
  • To complete a series of activities to re-cap what they have learnt in this unit

Year 6 Unit 4

  • To recap what pitch is and understand "motif"
  • To understand differences in the characters in a piece of music
  • To play a piece of music with a variety of pitches, playing two notes at a time
  • To be able to play an arpeggio and describe the pitch changes within it
  • To be able to play arpeggios and know what Motifs/Leitmotifs are
  • To compose music combining rhythm, pitch, dynamics, timbre & tempo
  • To demonstrate understanding of Pitch

Year 6 Unit 5

  • To experiment with voice and create music which demonstrates an understanding of structure.
  • To identify the musical structure of a song.
  • To compose a piece of music using technology
  • To explore how musical structure can be used to create a particular effect on the listener
  • To manipulate and create sounds in a creative way using technology.
  • To recap everything learnt in this unit

Year 6 Unit 6

  • To understand the evolution of music throughout the 20th century
  • To study a 20th Century band and appreciate their music
  • To learn the lyrics of the song "Yesterday" by the Beatles
  • To learn how to play "Yesterday" by the Beatles on the glockenspiel
  • To add in percussion instruments to the performance and rehearse
  • To perform a song by a 20th Century band