Mathematics in Minet
The intent of our Mathematics curriculum is to provide all children with the understanding of number, fluency of number, reasoning, problem solving and make connections leading to mastery in Mathematics. It is essential that these intents are embedded throughout all strands of the Maths curriculum.
Through a mastery approach, we believe pupils must be given time to fully understand, explore and apply ideas - rather than accelerate through new concepts. This approach enables learners to truly grasp a concept, and the challenge comes from investigating it in new, alternative and more complex ways.
It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. We want the children to leave Minet Junior School with an appreciation and enthusiasm for Maths, resulting in a lifelong positive relationship in STEM.
- Deliver a high quality maths curriculum to all, through a mastery approach, that is challenging yet enjoyable. The curriculum is provided following the National Curriculum.
- Be fluent in number facts and the fundamentals of maths.
- Progression through the mathematical strands from year 3 to year 6.
- To enable children to reason and problem solve with increased confidence and take risks with their learning.
- Make rich connections across maths to link to everyday life.
Our implementation is developed to be specific for the cultures and community that we serve.
- We provide high quality teaching by all teaching staff and have high standards of all pupils in our school
- Long term plans are followed that ensure all coverage and progression of the 2014 National Curriculum.
- We use a variety of planning resources that provides bespoke lessons designed to inform, interest and inspire our children. This is implemented through White Rose Hub maths schemes, Power Maths and documents from the NCTEM.
- Daily Maths lessons, which give opportunity for all to practice: revisiting, fluency, reasoning and problem solving. All lessons ensure the children’s prior knowledge is taken into account so that progress in evident in every lesson.
- Maths lessons promote the use of concrete, pictoral and abstract approach through conceptual and procedural variation.
- Provision will be made for children who are not making the expected level of progress through I.E.Ps and interventions
- Children are assessed in daily lessons through assessment for learning techniques and through summative assessment- three times a year.
- Children in Year 3 and Year 4 are required to do weekly practice Times Table tests to prepare for the Multiplication Tables Check
- Children’s attainment and progress is discussed by teachers and pupil achievement leaders and if progress is not made, support is immediate and steps provided
- Children’s attainment and progress is discussed with parents/carers during parents evening
A mathematical concept has been mastered when the skill can be transferred to a different context and they can show it in multiple ways, through the curriculum. In addition, they can independently apply the concept to a new problem in unfamiliar situations.
The impact of Mathematics in Minet Junior School will be seen through:
- Children demonstrating quick recall of mental facts, including times tables once thoroughly taught
- High level of pride and care in their work and presentation of the books
- Ability to recognise relationships and connections within maths curriculum and other subjects. For example- Geography and other STEM subjects.
- Children are confident and active within all lessons
- Children leave at the end of the Year 6 with the ability to be able to access age related expectations and transition to Year 7 maths effectively.
- Children have the flexibility and fluidity to move between different contexts and representations of Mathematics.
Maths in Minet
Parental Maths Workshop